La Lingua Goes Culture !
At La Lingua, we use the same discerning eye when choosing our employees as one would when choosing a work of art. Our translators are linguistic artists with a creative pen who are passionate about the subject. And that is also the beauty of cul2raLingua. For this new department, we discovered both a Dutch and a French specialist in cultural editing and translating hiding in plain sight.
Powerful translations, seasoned with panache and precision
The right translation, always
Need to hold your own in a commercial, informative, and legal sense? Then you need the right translation – in every language in which you do business.
Years of translation experience
Work with a translation agency that is highly experienced in multiple fields. You avoid mistakes and save time. Pure gold!
Nothing but elite references
We often translate in an international context for various language communities. Our references speak for themselves.
Translations with panache and precision
- Competent and professional
- Lightning-fast response times
- Personalised service